Amnesty International hat heute die iranische Regierung dazu aufgefordert, die im Zuge der Ashura-Feste verhafteten Menschen nicht mit der Todesstrafe zu belegen. Laut Medienberichten seien mindestens fünf der am 27. Dezember Inhaftierten so genannte moharebeh, das sind „Feinde Gottes“, was die unmittelbare Todesstrafe nach sich zieht. Die Regierung beschuldigt gegenwärtig verschiedenste Gruppen, für die gewaltsamen Proteste verantwortlich zu sein,
notably the Baha’is, an unrecognized religious minority. At least 13 Baha’is have been arrested from their homes since the demonstrations. The Baha’i community denies any such involvement. In December, the lawyers for seven Baha’i leaders detained without trial for more than a year were informed their clients will be tried on Tuesday. They face charges of espionage and could be sentenced to death. Amnesty International believes that all 20 are prisoners of conscience who should be released immediately and unconditionally.
Amnesty Internationals stellvertretender Nahost und Nordafrika-Direktor, Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, wurde wie folgt zitiert:
„Iranians should be free to assemble in peaceful protests to express their opinions, including about the government and human rights violations, and not face excessive use of force, arbitrary arrest and unfair trial, or risk execution. Instead of allowing demonstrations to take place, the Iranian authorities are locking up anyone of a different viewpoint from theirs and are looking for scapegoats to blame for the unres.“
Die Stellungnahme im Wortlaut.