Die indische Tageszeitung The Hindu berichtet über eine Menschenrechtsaktion, die das Asian Centre for Human Rights, die indische Bahá’í-Gemeinde, People’s Watch und Women’s Coalition for Peace and Development with Dignity gemeinsam am Donnerstag in Neu Delhi durchgeführt haben. Sie forderten damit den Iran auf, 500 unschuldig inhaftierte Gefangene unverzüglich freizulassen, darunter auch die sieben Mitglieder der ehemaligen Bahá’í-Führungsriege.
The call comes alongside an international demand in more than 81 cities, led by United4Iran, a non-partisan network of human rights groups that is coordinating efforts around the world.
The protesters gathered at Baha’i House here and signed postcards demanding release of the seven Baha’i leaders incarcerated in Tehran since May 2008 and awaiting the fourth session of their trial which is slated for June 12.
They also voiced support for Shirkoo Moarefi, a young Kurdish activist who has been sentenced to death.
The protestors marched from Jaswant Singh Road to Hyderabad House carrying banners that were a collage of photographs of the 500 “prisoners of conscience”.
Addressing the protesters, social activist Swami Agnivesh emphasised that humanity demands love and respect for all and should allow people of different belief system and ideology to co-exist in peace and solidarity.
Ms. Farida Vahedi of the Indian Baha’i community said Iran was a signatory to the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economics, Social and Cultural Rights and the provisions require Iran to honour the freedom of religion and conscience of all its citizens, she added.
The signed postcards demanding release of the 500 prisoners were later sent to the Iranian Embassy here.
Ein Video über den stillen Protestmarsch erschien inzwischen auf Youtube: