Die Webseite Iranian.com veröffentlicht das Video einer mündlichen Erklärung der ungarischen Abgeordneten Ágnes Osztolykán, die sie am 19. Oktober 2010 zur Lage der Bahá’´im Iran im ungarischen Nationalparlament abgab. Dazu heißt es:
The fact that the parliament of a small European country, like Hungary, puts Iran’s arbitrary human rights violations against the followers of the Bahá’í Faith on its agenda, shows how concerned the world as a whole is about the Iranian governments injustice. Two weeks ago, Ms. Ágnes Osztolykán, member of the Hungarian Parliament spoke out, and listed one by one Iran’s crime against the largest religious minority of its country. Ms. Osztolykán, who herself belongs to the discriminated Roma minority in Hungary, knows too well, what it means to experience injustice. In her speech she demanded that the Iranian Government restores International Law and Human Rights, the declarations of which, Iran has freely signed. State Secretary, Mr. János Fónagy, responded on behalf of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stating that Iran’s poor human rights record remain a great concern for the Hungarian government. He underlined that Hungary will continue to demand that Iran immediaetly releases Bahá’í prisoners and that Iran must give full religious freedom and emancipation to the Bahá’ís, and thus fulfill its obligations as a member of the International Community. The 7 minute video feed, retrieved from the official site of the Hungarian Parliament, shows the full speeches on this topic.