Die iranische Friedensnobelpreisträgerin und Menschenrechtsanwältin Shirin Ebadi hält die vom iranischen Präsidenten aufgelegte Bürgerrechtscharta für „überflüssig und wirkungslos“. Dies sagte sie gegenüber der International Campaign für Human Rights in Iran in einem Interview.
Reading the Citizenship Rights Charter published by the President’s Office to solicit opinions, I was reminded of the idiom, ‘re-inventing the wheel’! What is noted in the proposed Charter as citizenship rights, was already noted comprehensively and with more enforcement guarantees under the ‘People’s Rights’ chapter of the Iranian Constitution, as well as in the Citizenship Rights Law, approved by the Sixth Parliament during Mr. Khatami’s presidency,” said Shirin Ebadi. … Basically, I don’t see the necessity for drafting this law, so I won’t give my opinion about its components one by one. If Mr. Rouhani is committed to citizenship rights, and as he promised during his elections campaign to observe the rights of the citizens, he must act according to his duties in the Constitution, one of which is monitoring the proper enforcement of the Constitution. …
The Citizenship Rights Charter is not an indication of a serious political will for protecting citizens’ rights, because writing an incomplete law, most of which is dedicated to pleasantries and does not have any guarantees, does nothing but waste the time of those whose rights have been violated, or who are in prison just for writing an article or having a religious ideology …